// shows all commands for flutter
$ flutter -h
// shows all installed flutter versions
$ flutter --Version
// shows flutter channel. Default is stable channel. If you want to try out new
// features, switch to beta channel
$ flutter channel
// provides information about your flutter development environment
$ flutter doctor
// upgrade Flutter to the newest version
$ flutter upgrade
// downgrade flutter to the specific version
$ flutter downgrade <version>
// Creates a new flutter app project
$ flutter create <app name>
// Shows a list of available devices
$ flutter emulator
// Start a chosen emulator
$ flutter emulator --launch <emulator_name>
// Start the project on an available virtual device, if one is available (debug mode)
$ flutter run
// Start the project on an available virtual device, if one is available (release mode)
$ flutter run --release
// Clean all files which were created during the build
$ flutter clean
// Download all dependencies of the project
$ flutter pub get